To keep increasing motivation until a certain number of users allow notifications to be sent.
To keep increasing motivation until a certain number of users create accounts (share emails).
To keep increasing motivation until a certain number of users start the free trial period.
To keep increasing motivation until a certain number of users start entering their meals and tracking calories. ➡️
✅ 2.2 Designing strategic blocks with specific purposes (welcome, cohort segmentation, data collection, influencing through…, paywall block).
✅ 2.3 Breaking down a block into specific screens (each with its own goals).
✅ 2.4 Breaking down a screen into individual elements (each with its own purpose).
✅ 3. Using the Psych framework by Growth.Design, you can hypothesize during the design stage about the impact of statements and necessary user actions on motivation.
✅ 3.1 Validate these hypotheses using analytics and refine the “weight” of each statement.
💡 If onboarding already exists, you can run “degrading” experiments by removing blocks, screens, or elements (or rearranging them) and tracking their impact on metrics through analytics systems and interviews.
🚀 These experiments are usually costly, but they can often quickly boost conversion and engagement. The decision to purchase is made long before the paywall 😉